The testimony of the mature human is the spirit of prophecy.
Where is the prophetic voice in current times? Who owns this voice and speaks with authority? The assertions of faith seem to sit uncomfortably alongside those of secular society, with their competing projections and followers. Is there space for faith within modern-day conversations, and ultimately, can we know what the future holds?
The power of grand stories has inspired humanity for millennia, although Scientism is suggesting that they are but fictional myths. Historic views of utopian or dystopian futures are being displaced by increasingly nihilistic trends. Is there a symbiosis to be found between the flow of physical and spiritual energy?
The relentless search for meaning and purpose distinguishes humans on this multicultural planet. Will the quest continue for the next 4 billion years or is there a finite narrative unfolding, which has been written into the annals of time?
The chronicles of Monotheism present a God who will hold humanity to account on a Day of Judgement. The reincarnations of Karma and Nirvana lead the believer to a transcendental state of harmony beyond this world. Humans demonstrate both porous and buffered selves, open to and sealed off from transcendence.
How can we pray for peace and understanding, when missionary religions seek conversion and God has covenants with a ‘Chosen people’? What if God broke all the rules?
Living in tension.
A world of contrasting images, colours, contours and senses surrounds us. Set in opposition they show difference, between good/evil, light/darkness, love/fear. The experience of many through time and in place, is that allies and adversaries exist side-by-side, visible and invisible.
Benevolent and malign forces can be seen at play in nature, through history and in the intriguing world of espionage. Do truth and deception exist and are the old descriptors of body, soul and spirit still relevant?