The chronicles of Monotheism present a God who will hold humanity to account on a Day of Judgement. The reincarnations of Karma and Nirvana lead the believer to a transcendental state of harmony beyond this world. Humans demonstrate both porous and buffered selves, open to and sealed off from transcendence. How can we pray for peace and understanding, when missionary religions seek conversion and God has covenants with a ‘Chosen people’? What if God broke all the rules?
Prayer and its power.
Prayer, in times of peace and prosperity, is different from that uttered in adversity. One place where even the most committed atheist will pray, is in a ‘foxhole’, exposed on a battlefield. There is something in the human heart and psyche, which reaches out in times of crisis, by-passing intellect and ideology, and entreating a power beyond us. An inner cry, intensely personal, active, and part of a living conversation with our environment.
Spiritual warfare and the world of transcendence.
In a secular world, in the grip of an immanent frame, how do we reconnect with a transcendent vision of reality? Spiritual warfare is the struggle between the forces of good and evil in the unseen realm of transcendence. It involves the use of prayer, faith, and the Word of God to resist and overcome the attacks of the enemy.