
From the rulers of ancient empires to the personality cults of modern figureheads, populations have always craved strong leadership. The consequences for human life and suffering are immeasurable, as power struggles have dominated every civilisation. The ‘war to end all wars’ did not achieve peace and the threat of destruction between civilised countries or of the entire planet remains. Is there a form of leadership capable of delivering us from a repetition of history, which this time around could have existential consequences?


A lesson from monarchies.

Since time immemorial humanity has organised itself into workable communities and realms, establishing territories and nations through tribal or ethnic hierarchies of power. From the ancient empires of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Central or South America, through the Chinese dynasties of Confucian Emperors, to the ruling powers and republics of Europe, civilisation has developed diverse styles of government. Few have been more influential than the concept of monarchy, involving the rule of a sovereign and ofttimes hereditary Head of State. 


Qualities for leadership.

There are many styles of leadership and even more consultancy courses to help you find and articulate your style. What colour is your hat? How do you communicate with a team? What are your drivers and motivations? What is your personality type? We explore these and more to find the meaning behind the pursuit of “solutions” for leadership.